Monitoring, Sampling & testing

At Applebridge Geoenvironmental, we are committed to delivering high-quality monitoring, sampling, and testing services that provide valuable insights, ensure compliance with regulations, and enhance the safety and success of your project.

We understand the critical role that accurate and reliable data plays in assessing the performance and safety of construction projects.

At Applebridge Geoenvironmental, we recognise the importance of monitoring, sampling, and testing in assessing the geotechnical and environmental aspects of a site. Our services are designed to help you gather essential data, analyse performance, identify potential risks, and make informed decisions throughout the lifecycle of your project.

Our team of highly skilled engineers, technicians, and environmental specialists utilise state-of-the-art equipment and industry best practices to deliver accurate and reliable monitoring, sampling, and testing services. We work closely with you to develop a customised approach that aligns with your project requirements and provides the necessary insights for successful project planning, design, and construction.


Groundwater Monitoring

We install and maintain groundwater monitoring wells, and regularly collect and analyse groundwater samples to assess quality, level fluctuations, and potential contamination.

Remediation Strategy Development

We conduct soil sampling using various techniques, such as borehole drilling and excavation, to collect representative soil samples for laboratory testing. Our comprehensive soil testing includes analysis of physical, mechanical, and chemical properties to assess soil suitability and behavior.

In-situ Testing

We perform a range of in-situ tests, such as cone penetration testing (CPT), standard penetration testing (SPT), and pressuremeter testing, to evaluate soil properties, assess ground strength and determine soil behaviour parameters.

Structural Monitoring

We install and monitor various instrumentation systems to assess the performance of structures, including settlement monitoring, tilt monitoring, crack monitoring and vibration monitoring.

Environmental Sampling and Testing

We conduct environmental sampling and testing to assess the quality of air, water, and soil, and determine the presence and concentration of contaminants. This includes sampling for hazardous materials, pollutants and other harmful substances.

Geotechnical Instrumentation

We install and monitor geotechnical instrumentation systems, such as inclinometers, piezometers, strain gauges, and extensometers, to measure ground movement, pore pressure, stress, and deformation.

Data Analysis and Reporting

Our team of experts analyses the collected monitoring data and test results to provide detailed reports that summarise findings, assess performance, identify potential risks and recommend appropriate actions for project management and decision-making.

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Number Three Siskin Drive
Middlemarch Business Park

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024 7688 0452

Office Opening Hours
Monday - Friday 08:00 - 17:30

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